confidently care for your child



from a leading pediatrician


in any health scenario


and equipped as a mom

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Do you struggle with:

  • deciding if you need to go to the ED for a health issue?

  • figuring out how long is too long for an illness?

  • ​knowing how to your child’s immunity day to day at home?


 Find the resource that’s right for you:

  • Baby's Health Handbook

    This comprehensive guide includes descriptions of the common illnesses in the first three years of life and how to treat them.

  • First Aid Checklists

    First aid for little ones can be confusing. This guide will equip you to triage injuries and know when to seek medical help.

  • Baby's First Health Journal

    Have you ever walked out of an appointment or forgotten important details from the doctor? Track all notes and milesones in this diary!

My Amazon Favorites

Take a look at some of my favorite health + care products!

I’m a pediatrician, but I’m a mom first.

As a mom of two toddlers, I understand wanting to take the best care of your child.

And as a pediatrician at one of the world’s best hospitals, I want to serve as a helpful resource to bridge the gap between your incredible mom instincts + practical medical care that parents can use at home.

I believe that every mom should feel equipped + empowered to care for her little one!

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Join the community of mamas who
feel calm & confident about their kids’ health.


Dr. Gans is a baby whisperer! When my daughter was struggling with developmental delays, she helped us with details and strategies that worked like magic. She was always patient and so compassionate. I am so excited that she is sharing her knowledge with the world!




Dr. Gans made me feel so confident as a new mom. When I felt overwhelmed with their health issues - reflux, eczema, sleep challenges, she sat with me every step of the way. She is an angel. I feel like a better mom thanks to her. 



 How it Works

1. Choose a resource.

Select one of the guides or the health diary to equip yourself for taking the very best care of your little one.

2. Gain the confidence and instructions you need.

Read through the resource and also keep it on hand for when questions, illness or injury strike.

3. Confidently care for your child.

If you’re facing an emergency or a growth spurt, you know you’re doing an amazing job!

 Join Our Email Family

for practical health tips - you’ll feel prepared + confident caring for your child!

Know what to do – no matter what.

The first few years of parenting feel like being thrown into the deep end of a pool, with more questions than answers. And your pediatrician is helpful at visits but not always there in the middle of the night when you notice something is off with your child.

I understand the quest for detailed, applicable instructions for handling illness or injury. I launched Resilient Rascals to equip parents with resources to address health concerns at home so they will feel confident and prepared– no matter what.